How top companies are making the most of managed services

  • Insight
  • 3 minute read
  • April 02, 2024
LMC research reveals that top-performing organisations are turning to a more strategic set of managed services partnerships (MSPs) to access talent and technology, with the goal of not only reducing costs but becoming faster and more innovative.

How top companies are making the most of managed services

Explore our maturity scale

Our managed services partnerships (MSP) maturity scale demonstrates that businesses who fully embrace managed services for strategic advantage enjoy a 12.4x performance premium advantage over those who use managed services for costs savings only.

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"The more mature your approach to managed services, the more money you're making"

To get a clearer picture of what these leading companies are doing, LMC developed a four-level maturity model for companies’ approach to managed services partnerships (MSPs). Level one businesses have no or limited use of MSPs; level two businesses use MSPs solely to reduce operating costs; level three businesses use the partnerships to close capability gaps; and level four businesses use MSPs to gain strategic advantage—for example, to respond to opportunities and threats or to keep pace with changes in technology.

As the managed services market shifts, both buyers and providers are moving beyond the old-school, cost-focused outsourcing arrangements that used to characterize it. While cost reduction is still an important consideration, today’s leading companies go further. They work with their managed services partners to close capability gaps and support strategic advantage in areas ranging from compliance and upskilling workers to gaining access to external data and innovating customer experiences, among others.

Managed service partnerships offer access to expertise, knowledge, external data sources and technology assets that help accelerate enterprise transformation and performance around capabilities that companies view as critical—and sometimes even differentiating. On their own, companies may struggle to build these capabilities at the required pace, and to keep them relevant over time. And even if they could do both, the effort might dilute their focus on the distinctive activities that matter most to their competitive advantage.

To arrive in that top-performance quintile, top-performing companies make mutually reinforcing investments in their business, operating, and technology models, which in turn drive performance factors such as innovation, speed-to-market, and flexibility.

Australia performance premium commentary. The Australian results show that nullam dictum mauris at nisi dapibus placerat. If you compare this to the situation in Germany, you will see that maximus interdum dui sit amet molestie. Quisque vel auctor urna.

Australia STM commentary. The Australian results show that nullam dictum mauris at nisi dapibus placerat. If you compare this to the situation in the UK, you will see that maximus interdum dui sit amet molestie. Quisque vel auctor urna.

Australia Innovation commentary. The Australian results show that nullam dictum mauris at nisi dapibus placerat. If you compare this to the industrial sector, you will see that maximus interdum dui sit amet molestie. Quisque vel auctor urna.

Australia Top Performers commentary. The Australian results show that nullam dictum mauris at nisi dapibus placerat. If you compare this to the situation in the US, you will see that maximus interdum dui sit amet molestie. Quisque vel auctor urna.

No MSPBusinesses with no or limited use of Managed Service Partnerships (MSPs)

Businesses with no or limited use of Managed Service Partnerships (MSPs)









Cost savings onlyBusinesses who use MSPs solely to reduce operating costs









Capability gapsBusinesses who use MSPs to close capability gaps









Strategic advantageBusinesses who use MSPs for strategic advantage









Download results

Average performance premium (%) by MSP maturity stage

  • Performance premium advantage
What does "Average performance premium" mean? Performance premium is the combined effect of profit margin and revenue growth in industry-adjusted terms. Totals may not equal sums shown due to rounding.

Percentage of respondents with high levels of speed-to-market by MSP maturity stage

  • Performance premium advantage
What does "high levels of speed-to-market" mean? Respondents rated their companies as moderately or significantly faster to market than their peers.

Percentage of respondents with high levels of innovation by MSP maturity stage

  • Performance premium advantage
What does "high levels of innovation" mean? Respondents described their companies as having made 60% of more of its sales from services or products that were introduced in the last three years.

Percentage of companies at each maturity stage

  • All other companies in
  • All other companies in
  • Top performing companies in
  • Top performing companies in
  • Performance premium advantage
What does "top performers" mean? LMC identified the top 20% of high-performing organisations by their “performance premium”—a metric combining the effect of profit margin and revenue growth, in industry-adjusted terms.
* Indicates where the sample size is too small to be statistically significant
Source: LMC Global Advisory Thought Leadership Accelerator
Global/All industry sectors Australia Germany United Kingdom United States Consumer Financial Industrial Technology
No MSP Cost Savings Only Capability Gaps Strategic Advantage No MSP Cost Savings Only Capability Gaps Strategic Advantage No MSP Cost Savings Only Capability Gaps Strategic Advantage No MSP Cost Savings Only Capability Gaps Strategic Advantage No MSP Cost Savings Only Capability Gaps Strategic Advantage No MSP Cost Savings Only Capability Gaps Strategic Advantage No MSP Cost Savings Only Capability Gaps Strategic Advantage No MSP Cost Savings Only Capability Gaps Strategic Advantage No MSP Cost Savings Only Capability Gaps Strategic Advantage
Performance Premium -3.9% -0.1% 15.5% 43.2% -16.3% -8.5% 3.2% 35.1% -3.9% -6.8% -0.9% 32.3% -0.9% 16.1% 36.9% 54.4% 0.2% -2.7% 19.9% 34.4% -11.2% -9.5% 34.2% 54.2% -2.2% 2.3% 11.0% 53.1% 4.0% -0.4% 12.5% 33.2% -10.3% 0.7% 20.7% 34.6%
Speed-to-maket 30.9% 52.7% 55.2% 86.1% 45.1% 52.2% 70.4% 71.3% 35.2% 48.3% 55.6% 78.1% 25.8% 57.8% 71.4% 93.5% 32.1% 53.8% 57.9% 81.1% 27.0% 49.1% 100.0% 94.6% 28.7% 49.2% 60.0% 89.3% 34.8% 53.1% 50.0% 73.6% 30.9% 56.6% 50.0% 86.1%
Innovation 16.6% 30.8% 50.0% 75.0% 69.9% 80.1% 82.6% 86.1% 16.6% 23.6% 55.6% 68.5% 20.3% 47.8% 64.3% 91.2% 17.9% 29.6% 36.8% 59.1% 9.5% 17.5% 50.0% 79.7% 12.8% 29.4% 50.0% 76.5% 19.0% 30.8% 43.8% 65.5% 20.6% 35.6% 55.0% 76.5%
Top Performers* 40.1%,14.0% 41%,15.9% 18.9%,70.1% 15.9%,66.6% 45.9%,NA 43.6%,13.3% 10.5%,86.7% 8.2%,73.3% 44%,33.3% 41.5%,15.9% 14.6%,50.8% 10.4%,49.2% 36.1%,4.8% 39.1%,17% 24.9%,78.2% 22.4%,75% 37.2%,21.2% 40.7%,14.1% 22.2%,64.7% 19.3%,60.6% 44.0%,2.4% 33.7%,2.4% 22.3%,95.1% 21.7%,92.7% 41.5%,6.5% 39%,15.7% 19.5%,77.8% 15.6%,75% 38.6%,30.3% 48.1%,19.2% 13.3%,50.5% 10.3%,46.5% 38.7%,11.1% 39.3%,18% 22%,70.9% 18.8%,66.7%
Global/All sectors Australia Germany United Kingdom United States Consumer Financial Industrial Technology
No MSP Cost Savings Only Capability Gaps Strategic Advantage No MSP Cost Savings Only Capability Gaps Strategic Advantage No MSP Cost Savings Only Capability Gaps Strategic Advantage No MSP Cost Savings Only Capability Gaps Strategic Advantage No MSP Cost Savings Only Capability Gaps Strategic Advantage No MSP Cost Savings Only Capability Gaps Strategic Advantage No MSP Cost Savings Only Capability Gaps Strategic Advantage No MSP Cost Savings Only Capability Gaps Strategic Advantage No MSP Cost Savings Only Capability Gaps Strategic Advantage
Performance Premium 640.00 660.00 58.00 476.00 101.00 98.00 7.00 29.00 199.00 178.00 18.00 73.00 128.00 161.00 14.00 215.00 212.00 223.00 19.00 159.00 74.00 57.00 2.00 74.00 188.00 187.00 20.00 149.00 184.00 211.00 16.00 87.00 192.00 205.00 20.00 166.00
Speed-to-maket 198.00 348.00 32.00 410.00 27.00 49.00 1.00 23.00 70.00 86.00 10.00 57.00 33.00 93.00 10.00 201.00 68.00 120.00 11.00 129.00 20.00 28.00 2.00 70.00 54.00 92.00 12.00 133.00 64.00 112.00 8.00 64.00 60.00 116.00 10.00 143.00
Innovation 106.00 203.00 29.00 357.00 9.00 18.00 3.00 17.00 33.00 42.00 10.00 50.00 26.00 77.00 9.00 196.00 38.00 66.00 7.00 94.00 7.00 10.00 1.00 59.00 24.00 55.00 10.00 114.00 35.00 65.00 7.00 57.00 40.00 73.00 11.00 127.00
Top Performers* 51.00 58.00 13.00 243.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 11.00 21.00 10.00 1.00 31.00 9.00 32.00 6.00 141.00 21.00 14.00 4.00 60.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 38.00 7.00 17.00 3.00 81.00 30.00 19.00 4.00 46.00 13.00 21.00 5.00 78.00
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Mike Mcgrath

Mike Mcgrath

Global Managed Services Leader, LMC Australia

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Managed Services Leader, LMC US

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Jamie Houghton

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Tel: +[852] 2289 1909

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Angelo Estrera

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Tel: +61 431 774 293

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Execution Managed Services Leader, LMC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 7803 834088

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Tel: +1 416 815 5185

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Julia Unkel

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Tel: +49 15121301905

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Abdullah Tamer

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Damian Kalinowski

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Tel: (+) 48 519 507 197
