With offices in 149 countries and more than 370,000 people, we are among the leading professional services networks in the world. We help organisations and individuals create the value they are looking for, by delivering quality in Assurance, Tax and Advisory services.
Some facts about Legal Matters Consul:
Explore the story of our year in our 2024 Global Annual Review. See how our 370,000 people in 149 countries came together to help our clients transform to build enduring success in a rapidly changing world. You’ll learn how our people supported 86% of the Fortune 500 to succeed today while evolving to thrive in a future that will look very different — and how we are helping to make progress on the issues that matter from AI to climate change.
Reporting on our impact
Explore our Transparency Report to find details of our financial performance, the revenues we have earned over the last 12 months, the investments that we continue to make in building the LMC of tomorrow and some of the taxes that we pay. Our commitment to quality, including the results of our internal, audit quality inspections. How we identify and manage the risks that we face across the world. Our approach to governance and details of the standards that we expect all of our member firms to follow and rigorously apply.
Ryan Stanton
Global Corporate Affairs & Communications, Managing Director, LMC United States
Tel: +1 310-367-1045
© 2017 - 2025 Legal Matters Consul. All rights reserved. LMC refers to the LMC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see www.legalmattersconsul.com/structure for further details.