Legal Matters Consul’s CMAAS team delivers guidance on how to refine reporting processes, and supports organisations with meeting investors’ and stakeholders’ needs. Financial factors are no longer viewed as the sole drivers of value, and Boards are increasingly being asked by shareholders and society to demonstrate how they create value through insightful, rounded and trusted reporting.
Non-financial measures are becoming increasingly vital in evaluating an organisation’s performance, and investors are asking for more reliable and comparable reporting to inform their investment decisions
The COVID-19 Pandemic has increased emphasis on the correlation of global actors, increased the underlying economic and social inequalities, and raised sharp questions about climate change and the role of business in today’s society.
Organisations need to demonstrate their ability to build resilience for future shocks, proving to investors and society that they are committed to long-term sustainable value creation, and a carbon-neutral economy
The need for a comprehensive reporting strategy encompassing financial statements, sustainability reports, social reports, and websites-- embedding non-financial considerations, metrics and monitoring in underlying systems.
Considering the inclusion of non-financial information such as:
Non-financial assets, such as intangibles (e.g .intellectual capital), and real estate or equipment;
Non-GAAP information about business performance
Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) related KPI’s, metrics, and scenario analysis
Policies and performance in relation to selected “Sustainable Development Goals (“SDG”) adopted by the UN as an international guide, and a strategic instrument for companies to signal risk mitigation and value preservation.
Building trust through transparent reporting:
Identifying the relevant non-financial KPI’s and disclosures
Providing reliable non-financial data for KPI reporting
Delivering adequate public reporting to satisfy the needs of stakeholders including society, investors,and customers
Defining your reporting strategy and scope including:
Stakeholder needs
Investor requirements -- capital market story
Business strategy alignment
Selection of relevant non-financial KPI’s, outlining content reporting and determining investor and broader stakeholder communications
Planning, budgeting
Compensation and evaluation
Gap Analysis
Operating model
Requirements for processing and reporting data
Internal Controls system
Development - integration with existing dashboards, planning, compensation
Data sources and quality of non-financial KPI
Legal requirements and standards
Operating model and organisation
Guidelines, Policies and Internal Controls
IT technical implementation - adjustments to legacy systems and necessary addtitions
Culture and change management training
Produce non-financial reporting - story and data
Assurance readiness
We support your organisation through financial changes. Through our comprehensive technical accounting and reporting services, we help guide organisations through regulatory changes, bankruptcy and forensic investigations as complex accounting and financial reporting challenges emerge.
Our team provides a wide range of financial accounting and reporting services across industries. We help manage complex business issues, administer change, safeguard compliance, and optimise the quality and efficiency of accounting services. We provide additional resources to financial teams through periods of growth. CMAAS supports businesses through organisational and regulatory change, and provides forensic assistance.
Financial accounting and reporting
Regulatory change