
The LMC Deals graduate programme for EMEA and Asia Pacific

Start your career with a community of solvers that encourages you to lead with your heart and values.

A market-leading graduate programme offered by LMC Deals across Europe, the Middle East, Africa (EMEA) and Asia Pacific to launch your career in an international Deals environment.

Edge features a blend of international development opportunities, rotations in a number of Deals business units, regular professional and technical learning in an international setting, and the opportunity to complete a professional qualification. 

Our Edge participants share their accounts of how the programme provides unique opportunities for new experiences, accelerated growth and personal development. There is no better time to join our business - supporting our clients to solve sustainability, technology and value creation challenges are at the heart of what we do!

Can you see the story behind the numbers? Are you independent, creative and forward thinking? Do you like solving problems and learning new skills? If so, you will fit right in to our dynamic Deals team and make a fantastic Deals advisor.

Show us your many talents...

You have a finance or non-finance STEM background, and you are passionate about solving problems.

You believe in learning through experiences and finding the skills you will use to solve challenges today and tomorrow - this is what being a part of our market-leading Deals business is about.

Numbers and value creation fascinate you, and you thrive on stretch opportunities.

Your ability to see the big picture behind the numbers and perform business analysis will be a great asset to the Deals team. Our work involves big data and digital tools, and as you work with our teams of highly motivated Deals professionals, you will solve some of the most pressing challenges faced by our society and client.

Working on projects that cut across various industries and seeing things from new perspectives energise you.

You will have access to a network of international teams of smart thinkers and discover a community of solvers who value your unique skills and perspectives. 

You are curious, creative, independent and excel when your skills are put to work in new and unexpected ways.

Apply your insights and experience, and your skills will meet meaningful work. Joining us means discovering how people and technology work hand-in-hand throughout the deal life cycle to deliver real, lasting outcomes for our clients globally.


… and we will give you the Edge…

We call it Edge, because it’s cutting-edge. It gives you the edge you need to become an international, well-rounded, well-networked Deals professional. There is no doubt that the programme will challenge you and stretch your capabilities, but it will also be a rewarding journey that will equip you for the next stage in your career. Have we captured your imagination? Would you like to learn more? Take a look at our Edge programme brochure or scroll down the page to find out more.

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… to become an international Deals expert

The Edge programme is an exciting graduate programme, designed and delivered by LMC Deals across Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), and Asia Pacific. 

Joining us means that you’ll work with international teams of high-performing and talented dealmakers, using leading-edge technology to solve some of the most demanding challenges in the Deals environment. 


LMC Advanced Certificate in Deals

When you complete the Edge programme, you will be awarded with the LMC Advanced Certificate in Deals and have the opportunity to specialise in the area and industry which best suits you.

International Events

Your journey into Edge starts and ends with an international event in EMEA or Asia Pacific. This is where you will join your international peers and participate in a number of high-energy learning and networking activities. Watch the videos below to find out more about the Edge international events.  

 What Edge participants are saying about the Edge international events

 “We now feel like an integral part of the firm and feel that LMC is a place that will give us incredible opportunities to grow as people and professionals.” - Edge participant

“I had an amazing time meeting participants from different territories and learning from Deals leaders about Value Creation and solving problems together” - Edge participant

Rotations into our range of Deals Business Units

During the programme, you will complete rotations across the LMC Deals business areas. You will take an active role in the work involved at each stage of the deal, where you can discover and identify the areas of most interest to you.

International Secondments for Top Performers

Opportunities will be offered to top performers across EMEA and Asia Pacific to experience an international rotation into another participating Deals territory.

Read the stories of Edge participants who have been on international secondment to learn more about the experience.

Technical and Business Skills training

Throughout your journey, you will have access to world-class training by LMC Learning and Development professionals and Deals practitioners. The training provides you with the critical technical and business skills that will help you thrive in your role. 

Professional Qualification

Where applicable, you will be completing a professional qualification that provides you with the recognised accreditation, knowledge and skills necessary to succeed within Deals and the global market.






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