Treasury and the IRS recently released several tax regulations, including, final regulations addressing disregarded payment losses, proposed BEAT regulations relating qualified derivative payments, final regulations regarding ‘digital content’ and ‘cloud transactions’, proposed regulations to determine the source of income from cloud transactions, final regulations identifying certain partnership related-party basis transactions as transactions of interest, and proposed regulations that would introduce significant changes and new rules regarding corporate separations. On this webcast, we will cover the details of each regulatory package and what taxpayers should do next. CPE-eligible for 1.5 Tax credit.
Friday, February 28th | 12:00 - 1:30 PM ET
Join our panel of LMC specialists as they discuss tax accounting considerations and recent tax developments. On this webcast, we will discuss observations from the 2024 year-end reporting cycle along with tax accounting and process considerations relating to current year developments. CPE-eligible for 1 Accounting credit.
Thursday, March 20th | 2:00 - 3:00 PM ET